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Crazy Dreams
Crazy Dreams

Children’s MusicalComédie Musicale pour Enfants Bienvenue dans le merveilleux monde de Crazy Dreams! Cette comédie musicale pour enfants promet d’emmener les petits et leurs familles dans une aventure magique et fascinante où les rêves les plus fous prennent vie. Sara, Salva et Christian combinent musique, danse et théâtre pour raconter une histoire touchante et pleine d’imagination. Les protagonistes, un groupe d’enfants courageux et curieux, se lancent dans un voyage fantastique à travers l

Welcome to the wonderful world of Crazy Dreams!

This children’s musical promises to take little ones and their families on a magical and fascinating adventure where the wildest dreams come to life.

Sara, Salva, and Christian combine music, dance, and theater to tell a heartwarming and imaginative story. The protagonists, a group of brave and curious children, embark on a fantastic journey through their wildest dreams. Along the way, they encounter extravagant characters, magical creatures, and exciting challenges that test their friendship and creativity.

The music of Crazy Dreams is catchy and infectious, with original songs that will make everyone want to sing and dance. But beyond the magic and entertainment, Crazy Dreams also conveys important messages about bravery, friendship, and the power of dreams. Children will learn that with a little imagination and a lot of determination, they can overcome any obstacle and make their wildest dreams come true.

Join us and discover the power of crazy dreams! Remember, Sunday, July 28th at 7 PM.

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