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Book Presentation: The Hiding Places of Someone by Noemí López
Book Presentation: The Hiding Places of Someone by Noemí López

Embark on a unique literary journey at the presentation of 'The Hiding Places of Someone' by Noemí López.

This work plunges us into the depth of hidden stories that we all carry within, exploring the essence of each individual.

Join us for a special evening where sign language interpretation will breathe life into this fascinating narrative.

Don't miss this opportunity to discover the richness hidden behind every person you encounter on the street. Join us at 7:00 PM at the Cultural Corner and get ready for an unforgettable experience!

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zeniaboulevard.es es un dominio en Internet titularidad de CDAD. PROP. C. C. ZENIA BOULEVARD, con CIF H54722673, con domicilio en Calle Jade, s/n 3189 Orihuela Costa, Alicante o a través de correo electrónico a clientes@zeniaboulevard.es e Inscrita en el REGISTRO MERCANTIL Madrid, Tomo 26.744, Folio 1, Hoja M-481.917, Inscripción el día 29 de Abril de 2009.