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Toom Pak
Toom Pak

Reciclart Musical Show

On Saturday, the 27th, come and experience an incredible show that has already been seen by more than 1 million spectators worldwide: Toom Pak Reciclart.

Toom Pak is a Spanish percussion group that combines music, theater, and dance in their performances. Founded in 2003, Toom Pak is known for their unique and creative style, using unconventional instruments such as drums, pipes, and recycled objects to create surprising rhythms and sounds. Their innovative approach and energy on stage have earned them a reputation both nationally and internationally.

The group has participated in numerous festivals, events, and television programs, and their work focuses not only on music and entertainment but also on education and environmental awareness. Toom Pak promotes creativity and sustainability, inspiring audiences of all ages to explore the world of rhythm and percussion using recycled materials.

Don’t miss this show on Saturday, July 27th at 8 PM.

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