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Zenia Alcachofa Fest

calendar_today 23/03/2024

Zenia Alcachofa Fest


This March 23rd, Zenia Boulevard becomes the epicenter of local gastronomy and culture with the launch of the first "Zenia Artichoke Fest".

A unique event designed to celebrate, encourage, and promote one of the treasures of our agriculture: the artichoke.

Activities for everyone:

1:30 pm: The artichoke "roast," a culinary spectacle where 1,000 artichokes will be baked, capturing the essence and flavor of our land.
2:30 pm: Try our exclusive artichoke burgers, a delight that promises to surprise your palate.
4:30 pm: Children's show cooking, a perfect opportunity to introduce children to the world of healthy and fun cooking.
6:30 pm: The artichoke goose game, a playful and educational activity designed to learn while playing.
6:30 pm: Artichoke painting workshop, where you can create art using this versatile vegetable.

Upcoming Events

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In order for customers to visit and return, we constantly seek to surprise them and provide them with emotions.

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Comercial 10:00 a 22:00
Hypermarket 9:00 a 22:00
Restaurants 10:00 a 23:00


966 761 530
Jade 2 - 03189 Orihuela Costa - Alicante


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zeniaboulevard.es is an Internet domain owned by CDAD. PROP. C. C. ZENIA BOULEVARD, with CIF H54722673, with address at Calle Jade, s/n 3189 Orihuela Costa, Alicante or by email to clientes@zeniaboulevard.es and Registered in the Madrid COMMERCIAL REGISTRY, Volume 26,744, Folio 1, Sheet M- 481.917, Registration on April 29, 2009.