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Miguel Hernández Exhibition
June and July 2024
Miguel Hernández Exhibition

The Life and Work of Miguel Hernández

Miguel Hernández (1910-1942), a Spanish poet and playwright, was born in the city of Orihuela.

Associated with the Generation of '27 and '36, his work is characterized by deep sensitivity and social commitment, reflecting the tensions of his time, especially during the Spanish Civil War. Notable works include "Perito en lunas" and "El rayo que no cesa". His premature death in prison, a victim of tuberculosis, made him a symbol of resistance and the struggle for freedom.

During the months of June and July, you can enjoy his life and work at the free exhibition we have set up on Mar Menor Street, next to the pharmacy in Zenia Boulevard. It will be open from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM.

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